Frozen Water Pipes: Symptoms, Dangers, Thawing & Prevention
When the weather drops to freezing temperatures during the winter, there’s a chance your pipes may freeze if not properly protected and winterized. Learn the telltale signs to look for that indicate your pipes may be frozen.
Frozen Water & Pipe Damage: An Interesting Experiment
Will water pipes full of water exposed to freezing temperatures and no water pressure always burst the pipe if the downstream end (faucet) is somewhat open?The short answer is: not always—and for an odd reason that, for me, was not...
Why Do Water Pipes Sometimes Rupture During an Extremely Cold Event?
Ever wondered why water pipes sometimes rupture during an extremely cold event? Once water in pipes is exposed to below freezing temperatures, (32°F/ 0°C) for a period of time, ice formation will begin. Obviously, there are several factors that determine...
The Best Way to Protect Faucets & Pipes from Freezing During Winter
Have you ever wondered what's the best method of protecting your faucets and pipes from freezing damage during winter? Learn how and why installing a Freeze Miser on every outdoor faucet can be your best line of defense.
RV Park Winterizing
The winter season brings some unique and potentially serious issues to an RV Park that should be addressed before the cold arrives. Keep these simple tips in mind before winter begins to help avoid issues as the weather cools!
My Crazy Dad – The Texas Deep Freeze Expert
Some called my Dad crazy. Why would people in South Texas want something like that? “It never freezes down here,” but yet he persisted because he believed in it, and he thought no one should ever be without water.
Be wintertime LAZY – Let Freeze Miser work for you!
Outside faucets around the home, barn or yard can all be protected in one minute or less! Learn how FreezeMiser can save you time this winter.